Welcome to SoCal Clean 46!                                                      

reg-46The Southern California Regional Convention 46 will be held
August 22 thru August 24, 2025 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel and Convention Center.
700 W Convention Way
Anaheim, CA 92802 
You may pre-register at the online store and purchase a banquet ticket (here).
Registration includes a 10% discount at the convention center’s Market Place, N Fuse, and Slice stores.
Check back regularly for more convention information and pre-sale merchandise.

It take an entire committee to put on this event. There are many opportunities to be of service, regardless of previous convention committee experience, and there is no clean time requirement to be a member of the committee.
The Convention Committee typically meets at the Regional Service Office (map)
at 8:00 pm, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

We want to provide the best convention experience possible.
Please take a minute and look over the information below.

Registration Information

Registration Badges are required to attend the Saturday Night Main Speaker Meeting, as well as the Banquet (in addition to your banquet ticket), Dances, and all ticketed events.

Pre-Sale Merchandise

All Pre-Sale Merchandise must be picked up by 4 pm Saturday 8/23/2025 in the merchandise room. All unclaimed merchandise will be sold. Pre-Sale Merchandise is available ONLY through sales on this site, and ONLY until 8/1/24.

Newcomer Policy

A newcomer has less than 30 days clean.
There will be (3) Newcomer Orientations during the convention and the times and days will be announced in our program. Our program will be posted to the website prior to the convention. Newcomer wristbands will be handed out during the orientations and these wristbands are complimentary for those with less than 30 days clean. The wristbands will not be available at any other time. No exceptions will be made.


Event Parking is at the special rate of $20.00 per vehicle, overnight guests will enjoy in and out privlliges.

Alternative Merchandise

Alternative Merchandise will be sold on Sunday after the Spiritual Meeting.
You will need a letter from your Area or Region stating that you represent your Area or Region in order to sell your merchandise. For further information, please contact the Chair of Merchandise: Dee G by selecting “Merchandise” from the dropdown menu in the contact form (here).

ASL Interpreter

ASL Interpreters will be available at the Friday and Saturday night Main Speaker Meetings, as well as the Saturday afternoon meeting.

Marathon Meetings

There will be Marathon Meetings around the clock beginning Friday 8/22/25 at 12am, midnight until Sunday at 6am.
Please check the program for more information.

Terms and Conditions

1. No refunds; all sales are final.
2. All pre-sale merchandise must be picked up at the Convention, in the merchandise room, by 4pm, Saturday August 23rd. If you are picking up items for a friend, you must have a signed letter or email from that friend. Unclaimed merchandise will be sold. Pre-sale merchandise will only be sold here, online and only through 8/1/25.
3. There’s a $3.00 handling fee applied to all orders. This cost is to help offset the PayPal charges.
4. You agree to email notifications for upcoming conventions. There is an opt out option in each email, if you choose to opt out from further announcements you may do so.

Recovery House Information

For information in regards to providing any clients that your facility may be considering bringing to the convention with registration packages at a “Recovery House Rate”, please use the contact form (here) and select “Registration” from the Send mail to: dropdown menu and they will work with you to make their experience the best they are able to.


We LOVE children!
While at the convention, we ask that children under the age of 13 years old to be accompanied by a parent of guardian 18 or older.
The Southern California Regional Convention Committee is not responsible for children left unattended.