Greetings! Do you have an event that you would like posted on the Regional Activities Page?

This is where you want to be. A simple check of your flyer prior to uploading it may be the single most important thing to have your event quickly posted. All events must be events hosted by either Groups or Areas in the Southern California Region or events hosted by NA World Services. This is to insure the accuracy of any events posted.

Here is a short overview of the event submission process.

  1. Enter the name of your event. Enter the date of your event. Enter the starting time and an ending time. If your event ends at midnight then set the time to 11:45 pm so it does not carry over to the next day on the calendar. Enter your name and email.
  2. You will now be at the event description section.
    1. For best results begin on the first line with the day, date, followed by the beginning then the ending time of your event. Include your time zone, for example “Pacific.”
    2. On the next line describe what kind of event it is and include any special time schedules along with any ticket prices or the amount of the suggested donation if applicable. Do not worry there is plenty of room and you may make it as long as you like.
      This is your opportunity to describe your event in more detail. You may include your event history (if any) as well as what a great time those attending are sure to have. Information entered here should be within the framework of the flyer guidelines (see number 11).
    3. At the bottom of your description in a new line, enter the contact names and phone numbers or email addresses for information regarding your event. ***Note you will be publishing your phone number on the world wide web…
  3. Now its time to add your event flyer. Select “Choose File” and you will be opening the file manager on your computer, then find your flyer. Your flyer must be in a jpeg format or it will not be able to be viewed.
  4. Next is the category. The “general” category is for activity events. Unless you are adding something that is specific to a Regional Subcommittee meeting date you should not change this. If the event is something that people register for in advance (conventions, a golf tournament, etc.) then the event category is “special“.
  5. Next add the venue information. Keep in mind that everyone would like to know where it is they are going to, so make sure to put the name of the venue in the box,  whatever the name may be. For virtual events, enter the link and any password required. For example, “Zoom Meeting ID: 123 456 7890 Password: SCRNA Event.”

Voila! You are done! Click on the submit button and your event will be submitted. If you have not strayed from the guidelines your event will be posted on the Regional Activities Calendar quickly.

In case there are any questions or issues with your submission, things will not happen so quickly and you will be notified, and may have to resubmit your event. It is good practice to examine the flyer guidelines first.

If your event is a convention, or an activity that spans more than one single day please include as much information as you can and we will see that your event gets posted. Multi day events require some extra work which we will do for you.